Beginning with C++
is C++ ?
C++ is an Object Oriented Programming language, It was
developed by Bjarne Stroustrup
at T.S Bel Lab.c++ is an extension
of c with additional class construct features . The idea of
c++ comes from
increment operator(++) their by suggested that C++ is an next increment version
of C.C++
Is a superset of C so all program of c can able to run in c++.
The main features of c++ or cpp is class, inheritance, operator
overloading, abstraction, function overloading .
Lets see simple c++ program
using namespace std;
int main()
cout<<”This is C++ Programming.”;
Header File :
We use
following #include directories in program.
It contains declaration of identifiers like cout and operator << and cin and operator >>.
Return Type in main :
In C++ , main()
function returns an integer value to the operating every main()
function in c++ should contains return type. Otherwise warning or error might
The default return type of all function in c++ is int.
Ex :
int main
return 0;
Operators in c++ :
In c++ there are two most important operators that is cin and
cout or we can also called as input operator and oupput operator respectively.
Output Operator :
In c++ “cout<<”
is the output operators use to print any value on terminal screen.
Like cout<<”Hello
it work like printf statement in c. only here
you can not use %d,%s,%c etc. C++ library automatically recognized that .
It is also called as Insertion Operator.
Input Operator :
In c++ “cin>>”
is the input operators use to get value from user or giving input to program .
It work like scanf statement only no need to use %d ,%s
It is also called as extraction or get from operator .because
It extract value from keyboard and assign to variable.
operators :
We can use insertion operator repeatedly. Like
cout<< “sum : ”<<sum;
here first send string sum and then send value of sum. So that
we called it cascading output operator.
Same with extraction operator also.
here first accept and stored value in a then b then c.
lets see one basic program with cin and cout.
int main()
int roll;
char name[20],std[20];
cout<<”Enter roll num, name and stdanderd”;
cout<<”Roll no is”<<roll<<endl;
cout<<”Name is”<<name<<endl;
cout<<”Standerd is”<<roll<<endl;
//endl use for new line u also write “\n”
Try to run this program in your terminal
Some C++ data types, their format specifiers, and their most common bit widths are as follows:
• Int ("%d"): 32 Bit integer
• Long ("%ld"): 64 bit integer
• Char ("%c"): Character type
• Float ("%f"): 32 bit real value
• Double ("%lf"): 64 bit real value
Reading To read a data type, use the following syntax:
scanf("`format_specifier`", &val);
For example, to read a character followed by a double:
char ch;
double d;
scanf("%c %lf", &ch, &d);
For the moment, we can ignore the spacing between format specifiers. ________________________________________
Printing To print a data type, use the following syntax:
printf("`format_specifier`", val)
For example, to print a character followed by a double:
char ch = 'd';
double d = 234.432;
printf("%c %lf", ch, d);
You can also use cin and cout instead of scanf and printf; however, if you are taking a million numbers as input and printing a million lines, it is faster to use scanf and printf.
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